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Module 2 - Improving our sleep habits

The information in this module is provided for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for a diagnostic opinion or a therapeutic relationship. This information is based on research; however, their accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Copyright (2021) - East Ottawa Community Family Health Team. It is forbidden to copy, reproduce and commercialize this content. 

This program was set up and led by Anne Bilodeau, MSS, TSI and Vicky Rivard, Ph.D., C.Psych. 

As you will see in the following video clips, this information is taken from these two author-researchers. We encourage you to pick up one of these books if you want to delve deeper into the concepts.
Overcoming the Enemies of Sleep , Charles Morin
Say Good Night to Insomnia , Gregg Jacobs

In this capsule, lasting approximately 24 minutes, we address two key concepts in the treatment of insomnia through cognitive-behavioral therapy: 1) modification of the sleep schedule; 2) stimulus control. 

Click here for a document presenting the concepts discussed in this module.  

You will need the following resources to properly integrate the concepts: 
Sleep Diary

Sleep Diary Scoring

Here is a video showing you how to use the sleep diary. 
Here is the recommended free app (for smart phones) if you prefer an electronic method of scoring your sleep diary.

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